Friday 15 February 2013

Love Day in Review

Happy day after love day! Was anyone else feeling the love yesterday? I sure was. My instagram feed was filled with lots of spectacles of other people's love. I don't think I've been that aware that it was Valentines Day since preschool but it was nice. There were so many beautiful and adorable pictures that I think I liked about 50 pictures. Ca-ute.

I happily wore my heart dress yesterday. I felt so festive and lots of people commented on my spirit. It was cute. After work I went to The Bulk Barn and got some stuff for treat bags. I made one for each of my parents, one for each of Jordan's parents, one for Jordan and one for Erika. It was fun to do something nice. After that I went over to Jordan's and we exchanged gifts. I got him a sweater and he got me The Perks of Being a Wallflower. After that we watched V for Vendetta and cuddled all night.

Tonight Jordan and I are for real celebrating Valentine's Day. We're going out to dinner at The Keg (uber yum) and then going to see Mama (we can't overdo the love, gotta throw some horror in there too!) I'm very excited and can't wait to be done work...even though I just started.

Hope you had a fabulous love day, whether you have a partner or not!


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